Chinese Gardens

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Another mini meet held on the weekend, the theme was SDGR princesses. I have always thought of Baschet as more of a princess than Armonica, but since Baschet’s still blank I couldn’t bring her…(how long is she going to stay blank?!)

Blue Mountains Botanic Garden

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Small doll meet at the Blue Mountains Botanic Garden yesterday. The Garden mocked my complete lack of preparation for nature by throwing giant bugs at us all day. But other than that the garden was beautiful and the weather was absolutely perfect!

This morning when I unpacked my Aika I found her hands and wrists were stained ;_;
For some reason even though I know BJDs stain, even though I know DDs stain, the thought that Azone might stain never occurred to me.


Sakamoto has arrived~

He has a very slim chin/jaw that is even more noticeable in person which surprised me because it makes his head look much smaller than the rest of my girls >.<
He looks a bit better turned to the side since you can see more of his jaw.

I will keep his name because he reminds me of another Sakamoto :3

Mahogany Chair

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Happy Australia Day everyone ^^
Although this photo is completely unrelated to Australia Day…
I found this chair at an antique store yesterday, lucky~

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