Mini Bodies Comparison

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Took some photos as a height reference for myself. I never noticed before that the MSD body is shorter than the SDM body. It was interesting to see all the skin tones are different too.

My Sweet Memory cafe doll meet

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Went to a doll meet at My Sweet Memory today, it’s a cute little cafe/stationary store. All their displays are really pretty and the stationary they sell seem to be from Korea. Unfortunately being cloudy and rainy for the morning meant the inside of the cafe was quite dark and alot of my photos were blurry. However I was glad to see our Bluefairy population growing X3

Animania Competitions

I mentioned there were some competitions from Animania in my last post, but actually I won the photo competition ^^

This was the entry that won:

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The theme was glass this year. It was taken in front of a stained glass window.

My other entry had glass chess in it:

There was also a masquerade competition which I made masks for. They were alot of fun to make but had a hard time staying on the face since they were flat ^^;

(Click for more photos)

Animania 2010

Attended Animania this weekend ^^. Animania is another manga and anime convention in Sydney.

Dolls (click for more photos)

This year there was a makeshift lightbox next to the doll table, which is where the above photo was taken =3. Makeshift because it was pretty much made out of cardboard and paper. But as you can see the results look quite nice~

There was also a photo competition and masquerade competition, which I’ll update my journal for later!

Cosplay (click for more photos)

And a bit of cosplay photos. The venue was the Australian Technology Park. The inside doesn’t look as nice as Town Hall, however the lighting turned out suprisingly well. Unfortunately I didn’t get many photos cause of attending panels.

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