Valentine and CNY

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Happy Valentines and Chinese New Year everyone ^^

As I had hoped Tareneko’s faceup looks much better with a pink wig. I’m glad because I like the Bluefairy default faceups, would rather not change them =). Though I think I will trim her eyelashes a bit.

Tareneko’s arrival

Tareneko is here ^^~. She is a Bluefairy Dear Deer girl.
Now I finally have all versions of May XD

Her fur muffler is so soft *o*. Her jacket’s buttons has tiny pictures on it and her boots are really cute. The boots came with an extra pair of laces in brown, so you can change out the black ones, and the soles feel like rubber in that they have grip. I don’t know if it’s made from real leather but it feels quite nice, and the colour is pretty though it looks like it can get scratched easily. The tights are quite nice too, but her pink dress does not stay on. The wig is kind of messy looking, and her faceup is very pink. Maybe it will look less unnatural when I have time to give her a pink wig. Funny thing though, she is strung so loosely that she cannot stand up. The only other time this has happened is for Matatabi. I wonder if it is deliberate since she is sleeping.

Folded Stars

Lately I have been making these little stars in my spare time. They’re made from soft long plastic straws which I have yet to find in Australia. But I’m still not sure what to do with them after I’ve made them.

Flower Crowning Chair

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My new Flower Crowning Chair from Volks. I decided to buy it since I keep missing out on the other type of chair, the beautiful wooden sofas ;_;. But actually I did not expect the trims to be held on with hot glue?? I hope its not the type that melts on hot days.

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