Doll Social Club

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Due to various things I’ve worked up a small backlog of photos to edit. These photos are from a doll meet hosted by the Doll Social Club last month. The theme was Alice in Wonderland ^^

Beths meet

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Met up with a friend who also received a Beth this week ^^. We took some photos at Spice Alley, followed by Prince Alfred Park.

The lighting at both locations was perfect. Funnily Beth looks amazing with herself, more so than any other doll I’ve seen.

Celeste is here~

Celeste arrived today~, she is a Volks SDGr Elizabeth “Beth” March.

Compared to my Alice who has the first version SDGr body, she no longer has the exchangeable neck piece, so her head is not floppy! To me this was one of the most annoying issues with the older SDGr body, that the neck would snap or fall into random positions and would not stay where I wanted it to, but this has now been resolved (I think it was resolved a while back actually but I hadn’t bought any SDGrs since Alice/Lorina…). The other issue which was the S-hooks chipping the back of the high heeled feet, I’m glad to see also that this has been resolved, Volks now ships with the S-hooks facing away from the legs. This now makes it much more tempting for me to try to find a Jo… Her head does feel a tiny bit smaller than Alice’s, but I’ll try comparing them again when I wipe her faceup.

Also did you know that KIPS stands for Keep It Posed System? I did not.

Winter is coming~

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The air is a little more crisp each morning, the sun sets a little earlier each evening, winter is coming~

Since once again I have less light than I’m used to, I tried taking some photos in the dark. I seem to keep using the same prime lens so I may as well take a night photo once in a while. I tried using a little focus stacking, just 2 shots, to have both dolls in focus. I was also very impressed by how bright these lights were, they look quite magical lighting up an entire dark room. Thank you modern LEDs.

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