Got a new dress~ <3
My Sweet Memory cafe doll meet
New Moonteahouse outfits – Calico Sailor
Two new Moonteahouse outfits, my first outfits for SD10/SDGr girls :3
Cat Version:
Forest Version:
Momiji’s arrival~
A new member has arrived, her name is Momiji~
Papi has always been my favourite YoSD mold but since I tried to stick to white skin only, I never bought her before. But this Papi went up for sale right after I sold my Khal to a wonderful buyer, so I thought I’d give her a chance. She’s my first second hand doll but her eyes were still hot glued in and it looks like her papers and wig were unopened. Of course she will be getting a cute new faceup as soon as I have the time :3