Devonshire Tea Meet

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Today we had a doll meet at The Tea Cosy. Many beautiful and sweet dolls attended, the weather was sunny but slightly hot ^^;

By the way The Tea Cosy’s specialty is scones and tea. I got a tasting basket to share with friends. This week’s scones were plain, spinach and cheese, dates (or was it sultanas?), and strawberry and cream ♥.

Animania 2011

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Attended the second day of Animania yesterday ^^. For some reason alot of my photos turned out blurry, maybe there was not enough light?

How cute is this little cat! He’s a Pipos Star Cheshire and belongs to Krisome. Someday I want both of the Pipos Chesires <3

I also won the dress making competition. The prize was a Leeke PureRose Skin Khal Vampire. I’m not too sure what to do with him, I don’t have any clothes for him at all XD. His skin colour is very interesting, it’s like a grey/purple/pink colour, and his head is much narrower than my other dolls.


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Armonica arrived a few days ago~
She’s a Volks SDGr Lorina.

She’s very expressive! In some photos she will look mature or young; a bit happy, angry or sad; however in person she looks mostly happy. It’s something about her faceup, because Baschet’s expression certainly does not change this much. I did not post the photo where she looks really sad because I feel bad looking at it, haha.

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