Wig curling experiment

My first time styling wigs with heat :3

This was what the wig looked like before I started to style it. I decided to experiment on this one because it’s fairly straight and I didn’t like the previous style anyway.

I started by wrapping the hair around perm rods, this was the smallest size I could buy at my local supermarket.

Then I dipped it into boiling water for about 5 minutes, using the kitchen tongs to hold the wig in the water.

After taking it out and letting it dry a bit, the first thing I noticed was that the hair near the part at the front no longer sat as flat as before, even though I tried to keep that bit out of the water. I’m not sure how I’m going to flatten it again D=

I was worried the curls wouldn’t take, but after taking out all the rods I found that it turned out too curly XD. In particular the front looks strange and messy, and doesn’t match the parts I’ve left straight.

I tried to loosen the curls by pouring hot water on it. It took maybe only one second to turn it into the photos above, and the results are pretty uneven. Some parts were straightened alot, and some parts were still left very curly. I think it looks nice from the side but not from the front :(

Next time I will leave it in water for less time so it’s not as curly, so that hopefully I don’t have to try to straighten it afterwards.

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